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- Legacy & Kingdom Builders
Yearend Legacy Offering Sequence
As you prepare for the Legacy season at the end of the year, here is the sequence Highlands utilizes each year to build up to Legacy Sunday.
- Preach a Giving Series – Biblical theology focused
- At The Movies Series in November – Heart-felt stories of generosity impact
- Yearend Legacy Letter from Pastor – Drops right before Dec. 1st
- This letter includes the things that can happen this year if we give "x". We want it to be on the radar before they are paid at the beginning of the month.
- Senior Pastor Family Christmas Card – Sent Dec. 5-6th
- Yearend Legacy Offering – 2nd Sunday in December *Not about a specific amount, just 100% participation, as everyone can do something.
- Legacy Sunday is the second Sunday of December, after the tithe week. Tithing is obedience, Giving is generosity. Explain that Legacy Sunday goes through to December 31, give them time to pray, plan, and hear from the Lord.